2020 Healthiest Employer in Rhode Island


Children’s Friend has been named a 2020 Healthiest Employer in Rhode Island through a competition conducted by Providence Business News. On Thursday, August 6th, we will accept our award in a virtual awards ceremony where our ranking within our organization’s size category will be revealed.

We first applied for this award in 2019 and were thrilled at the awards ceremony when Children’s Friend was announced as the number one healthiest employer in our size category, organizations with 1-499 employees. Our Health and Wellness Committee works creatively and thoughtfully to offer initiatives that are diverse and touch upon many dimensions of wellness. It is exciting to receive recognition from judges looking for programs that are effective and stand out.

Our leadership team demonstrates their support of employee’s health by offering excellent benefits and a healthy and safe work environment and meaningful work. A dedicated Wellness Specialist and a passionate Health and Wellness committee champion employee well-being. Together, we are making a positive impact on the overall health and wellness of employees.

As the pandemic uproots our work and personal lives, the leadership team works tirelessly to keep employees safe and informed. The Health and Wellness committee promotes and offers social/emotional and mental health programs and benefits to meet employee needs. It is nice to have good news to share in a year defined by a pandemic and social and economic anguish and distress. We look forward to the big reveal on August 6th.


Julie Colangeli

Benefits and Wellness Specialist