Back To School In Person

Kids walking to school

Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee, Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green, and Health Director Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott announced that all RI schools will return to in-person learning in the fall.  The Commissioner stated, “It is crucial that we accelerate learning across the state, and we know there is no substitute for in-person learning.”

At Children’s Friend we know how critical access to high-quality learning is, particularly for vulnerable, young children.  As we serve children in our classrooms this summer we will also be working to recruit and enroll new children ages birth through five, for in-person classroom experience.  We look forward to engaged families and full classrooms where children thrive, as we plan for a new school year.

More information regarding Rhode Island’s 2021-22 school year guidance can be found on   

Ronald Contreras, Chief of Finance