Essential Workers

A long line had formed at Newport Creamery.  My daughter and I were midway in the line, waiting on our designated “X” when an older gentleman started talking through his mask to us about how he didn’t mind the wait and it was nice to get to know his neighbors.  After telling me that he was a retired plumber, he asked me what I did for work.  I said I was a social worker who oversaw several programs at Children’s Friend.  He met my eyes and said, “That is hard work.  You and your staff are essential workers.  The job you are doing is important and necessary.  Thank you for your service.” 

This is the first time in my 30 years as a social worker that I can recall a person who was not in the social services field or a direct client recognize, as well as thank me for my service.  I have had people tell me I was” special” and then quickly tell me how they could never do the work that I do, but not simply thank me. 

For all the staff, their supervisors, and managers at Children’s Friend, I offer you his words, “You are an essential worker.  The job you are doing is important and necessary.  Thank you for your service.”       


Valentina Laprade

Director of Family Preservation