Happy Anniversary Early Head Start

The office of  Head Start is celebrating 25 years of providing evidenced-based family-centered services to pregnant women, infants, and toddlers.  Since 1995 the Early Head Start (EHS) program has improved child and family outcomes for families living in poverty through its array of comprehensive services.

The concept of Early Head Start emerged in the early ’90s as we learned the significance of brain development in the earliest weeks, months, and years of life.   Over the past 25 years, research has shown that children enrolled in EHS displayed positive impacts at ages 2 and 3 that matter deeply to school readiness, including enhanced cognitive and language skills, decreased aggressive behaviors, increased engagement with a parent during play, and increased rates of immunization.  At Children’s Friend, we see the benefits of this program each and every day as we serve children and families in Early Head Start home visiting and our center-based Early Head Start Child Care Partnerships.

Chief of Finance, Ronald Contreras