Look for the Silver Linings


There is no doubt that all of our lives have turned upside down. We are all living with anxiety during the COVID 19 pandemic. It may seem strange to talk about staying positive during this crisis. Still, positive energy is critical to emotional and physical health.

To get us through these troubling times, we must remind ourselves to look for the silver linings. 

Ā· Strengthen relationships. Instead of focusing on being stuck at home, think of it as an opportunity to slow down and enjoy family time. Families can play together, read together, cook together, exercise together, all of the things we previously wished we had the time for. Rekindle a friendship, now is the time.

Ā· Pay attention to humanity. This crisis has brought people together in ways none of us would have expected, sharing kindness, love, and hope.

Ā· Look to the past and remember our resilience. As a nation, we have experienced terrifying events, and we have come out stronger. This too shall pass.

Our nationā€™s best doctors, scientists, and researchers are working around the clock to develop strategies to prevent a future outbreak. We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Parts of our country are starting to re-open. We are not out of the woods yet by any means. But we can choose to focus on the positive one day at a time.


Dana Mullen, MA

Chief of Programs