Mental Health Awareness Month


To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is sharing resources to support the mental health and well-being of children, families, and staff. The COVID 19 pandemic has had a profound impact on mental health.  Now, more than ever, I encourage you to explore the resources available.

Select the links to view articles, videos, tools, and more related to the mental health and well-being of children, families, and staff.

Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children: Video Series
Watch the videos in this series to learn how high-stress levels can impact a childā€™s lifelong health and well-being. Find out how Head Start programs and health care professionals can support children and families to help prevent early childhood stress.

Promoting Healing and Resilience with Staff and Families
In this Head Start Heals webinar, discover ideas and strategies for creating trauma-informed and healing-centered interactions before, during, and after traumatic events.

Mental Health and Wellness
The COVID-19 pandemic has likely increased the exposure of children and families to trauma, stress, and substance use disorders. Find resources to support their resilience, healing, and recovery.

Promoting Staff Well-being
Early learning programs can play a key role in helping children, families, and staff committed to finding ways to reduce stress in their lives. Programs can also create wellness strategies that promote both physical and mental well-being. Learn ways to promote a culture of wellness for young children and the adults who care for them.

Understanding Childrenā€™s Behavior as Communication
Explore ways early childhood staff can partner with families to understand and respond to childrenā€™s behavior as a communication. Find strategies for working with families of children ages birth to 5.

Ronald Contreras, Chief of Finance