National Teacher Appreciation Week and Giving Tuesday Now

It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week! 

Please join me in thanking our teaching staff here at Children’s Friend, and all the teachers in our lives this week as we honor those who make the difference for our children. The school day looks very different right now. Our teachers have been as creative and passionate as ever, engaging children and families remotely with fun activities, treasure hunts, spirit days, Zoom reading times, nutritious recipes, car parades, and as always, incredible steadfast support in these trying times. Going above and beyond is what we do here at Children’s Friend, and we cannot thank our teachers enough for having such an amazing impact on our youngest and most vulnerable. #ThankATeacher #TeacherAppreciationWeek



A Thank You to Our Community – Together We Give – Giving Tuesday Now

Yesterday marked a new global day of giving and unity as an emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We cannot thank you, our amazing donors, funders, and community partners enough for their tremendous response to the needs of our families.

Unfortunately, those hardest hit by emergencies are our most vulnerable populations. Our families do not have a safety net when they fall ill or lose a job. Their lives have been hugely disrupted by the pandemic. Children are at a higher risk. Many of our families right now face food insecurity.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and funders, we here at Children’s Friend, have been on the ground, delivering food, diapers, and other essentials to families who have no other means.

If you have not yet given, please consider supporting our COVID-19 Emergency Fund. Your donation will directly impact the families we serve by ensuring that they have access to the essentials for their children.

There Are Many Ways to Help

  1. Click here to give now
  2. Text Childrensfriend to #41444 to give
  3. Click here to purchase items from our Amazon wish-list

Thank you for all that you do to support our most vulnerable children. It takes a community to come together to respond to this unprecedented need. We would not be here, on-the-ground, serving families every day without your support. #GivingTuesdayNow